Results for 'Patrick F. Schindler'

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  1.  47
    Tense logic for discrete future time.Patrick Schindler - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):105-118.
    Prior has conjectured that the tense-logical system Gli obtained by adding to a complete basis for the classical propositional calculus the primitive symbolG, the definitionsDf. F:Fα=NGNαDf. L:Lα=KαGα,and the postulatesis complete for the logic of linear, infinite, transitive, discrete future time. In this paper it is demonstrated that that conjecture is correct and it is shown that Gli has the finite model property: see [4]. The techniques used are in part suggested by those used in Bull [2] and [3]:Gli can be (...)
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  2. Palliative Care and Killing: Understanding Ethical Distinctions.Patrick F. Norris - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 13:3.
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  3. Review essay.Patrick F. McKinlay - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (4):107-112.
  4.  22
    PXE International: harnessing intellectual property law for benefit-sharing.Patrick F. Terry - 2003 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, Populations and genetics: legal and socio-ethical perspectives. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 377--395.
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    AI and Humanity, by llah Reza Nourbakhsh and Jennifer Keating.Patrick F. Walsh - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (1):134-137.
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    A subtle kind of certainty.Patrick F. Parnaby - 2017 - Latest Issue of Pragmatics and Society 8 (1):85-106.
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    On Falsificationist Interpretations of Peirce.Patrick F. Sullivan - 1991 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 27 (2):197 - 219.
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    Peirce and Hjelmslev: Man-as-sign/man-as-language.Patrick F. Sullivan - 1982 - Semiotica 41 (1-4).
  9. The Pragmatism of Communication: A Realist Philosophy of Communication.Patrick F. Sullivan - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Kentucky
    An integration of rhetoric and method, or communication and inquiry, is important for contemporary communication research because it suggests a framework for understanding Speech Communication as an epistemological discipline. Yet, an integration of rhetoric and method is problematic. A breakdown of the understanding of invention as an epistemologically informative process of discovery has contributed to a schism of rhetoric and method. Nominalistic commitments, primarily characterized by the assumptions of British Empiricism, have led to difficulties in contemporary accounts of communication and (...)
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    Annotierte Bibliographie zum Sport im Alten Ägypten II: 1978-2000Annotierte Bibliographie zum Sport im Alten Agypten II: 1978-2000. [REVIEW]Patrick F. Houlihan, Wolfgang Decker & Frank Forster - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):205.
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    Aelred of Rievaulx and the "Lignum vitae" of Bonaventure: A Reappraisal.Patrick F. O'Connell - 1988 - Franciscan Studies 48 (1):53-80.
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    Leisure to Make Rhymes.Patrick F. O'Connell - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (4):145-168.
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    Leisure to Make Rhymes.Patrick F. O'Connell - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (3):155-176.
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    The Animal World of the PharaohsChoice Cuts: Meat Production in Ancient Egypt.Gay Robins, Patrick F. Houlihan & Salima Ikram - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):170.
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    A Consumer Perspective on Forensic DNA Banking.Sharon F. Terry & Patrick F. Terry - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):408-414.
    The currently evolving debate over ethical and legal approaches to DNA data banks reflects, in part, shifting societal perceptions of dividing lines between humanity and commodity, definitions of genetic inheritance between individuals and families, and the rights of the individual versus the rights of the community. Tensions arise whether the data bank has been created for medical or for forensic purposes. The authors, through their work as community activists described more fully below, have come to realize that the key to (...)
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    Macro-economische prestaties, politiek vertrouwen en de economische crisis.Patrick F. A. van Erkel & Tom W. G. van der Meer - 2016 - Res Publica 58 (2):251-253.
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    Life Along the Illinois River.David Zalaznik & Patrick F. Quinn - 2008 - University of Illinois Press.
    A panoramic collection of ninety photographs captures the spirit of people at work and play along the Illinois River, as well as the quiet beauty of the flora and fauna that make the river a natural retreat.
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    Ethics--the social dimension: individualism and the Catholic tradition.Thomas F. Schindler - 1989 - Wilmington, Del.: M. Glazier.
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    Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations.Max Lam, Chia-Yen Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Alicia R. Martin, Julien Bryois, Xixian Ma, Helena Gaspar, Masashi Ikeda, Beben Benyamin, Brielin C. Brown, Ruize Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Guan, Yoichiro Kamatani, Sung-Wan Kim, Michiaki Kubo, Agung Kusumawardhani, Chih-Min Liu, Hong Ma, Sathish Periyasamy, Atsushi Takahashi, Zhida Xu, Hao Yu, Feng Zhu, Wei J. Chen, Stephen Faraone, Stephen J. Glatt, Lin He, Steven E. Hyman, Hai-Gwo Hwu, Steven A. McCarroll, Benjamin M. Neale, Pamela Sklar, Dieter B. Wildenauer, Xin Yu, Dai Zhang, Bryan J. Mowry, Jimmy Lee, Peter Holmans, Shuhua Xu, Patrick F. Sullivan, Stephan Ripke, Michael C. O’Donovan, Mark J. Daly, Shengying Qin, Pak Sham, Nakao Iwata, Kyung S. Hong, Sibylle G. Schwab, Weihua Yue, Ming Tsuang, Jianjun Liu, Xiancang Ma, René S. Kahn, Yongyong Shi & Hailiang Huang - 2019 - Nature Genetics 51 (12):1670-1678.
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  20.  8
    The Immutability of God in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar by Gerard F. O’Hanlon, S.J.David L. Schindler - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):335-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Immutability of God in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. By GERARD F. O'HANLON, S.J. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. 246. $59.95 (cloth). O'Hanlon unfolds Balthasar's theology in four main chapters, which treat the question of immutability in terms, respectively, of Christ· ology; creation; time and eternity; and inner trinitarian life in God. In Chapter 5, O'Hanlon compares Balthasar's approach with some English-speaking authors (...)
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  21.  8
    Catholicism, Public Theology, and Postmodernity: On Richard John Neuhaus’s “Catholic Moment”.David L. Schindler - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):107-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CATHOLICISM, PUBLIC THEOLOGY, AND POSTMODERNITY: ON RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS'S " CATHOLIC MOMENT" DAVID L. SCHINDLER University of Notre Dame HAT CATHOLICS should assume.their rightful place m the task of forming a culture, and indeed shaping a public philosophy in and for a pluralistic, dernocrwtic society, is ia suggestion which has not often been heard in the history of American culture, and certainly not from. nonCatholics. It is a (...)
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    Physical and geometrical interpretation of the Jordan-Hahn and the Lebesgue decomposition property.Christian Schindler - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (11):1299-1314.
    The Jordan-Hahn decomposition and the Lebesgue decomposition, two basic notions of classical measure theory, are generalized for measures on orthomodular posets. The Jordan-Hahn decomposition property (JHDP) and the Lebesgue decomposition property (LDP) are defined for sections Δ of probability measures on an orthomodular poset L. If L is finite, then these properties can be characterized geometrically in terms of two parallelity relations defined on the set of faces of Δ. A section Δ is shown to have the JHDP if and (...)
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  23. Ancient Western Philosophy the Hellenic Emergence [by] George F. Mclean [and] Patrick J. Aspell. --.George F. Mclean & Patrick J. Aspell - 1971 - Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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  24. Is Grounding Essentially Ordered Causation?Patrick Flynn & Enric F. Gel - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):247-273.
    This article aims to test the hypothesis that metaphysical grounding is an instance of essentially ordered (or per se ) causation, a species of causation identified by medieval philosophers and theologians like Aquinas and Scotus, but largely forgotten from then on. The article reviews some of the consensus of grounding theorists on the nature of metaphysical grounding (or ontological dependence) compared to some of the crucial characteristics of essentially ordered causal series as articulated by scholastic and neo-Aristotelian philosophers then and (...)
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    Justice, limits to growth, and an equilibrium state.F. Patrick Hubbard - 1978 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 7 (4):326-345.
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    Updating standards for reporting diagnostic accuracy: the development of STARD 2015.Patrick M. M. Bossuyt, Lotty Hooft, Douglas G. Altman, Henrica C. W. de Vet, David Moher, Les Irwig, Paul P. Glasziou, Constantine A. Gatsonis, David E. Bruns, Johannes B. Reitsma, Jérémie F. Cohen & Daniël A. Korevaar - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundAlthough the number of reporting guidelines has grown rapidly, few have gone through an updating process. The STARD statement (Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy), published in 2003 to help improve the transparency and completeness of reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies, was recently updated in a systematic way. Here, we describe the steps taken and a justification for the changes made.ResultsA 4-member Project Team coordinated the updating process; a 14-member Steering Committee was regularly solicited by the Project Team when making critical (...)
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    Stem cell science and regenerative medicine.Patrick Pl Tam & Martin F. Pera - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (3):147-148.
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    Effects of population density on the spread of disease.Patrick M. Tarwater & Clyde F. Martin - 2001 - Complexity 6 (6):29-36.
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    N. C. A. Da Costa and F. A. Doria. Consequences of an exotic definition for P = NP. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 145 (2003), pp. 655–665. [REVIEW]Ralf Schindler - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):118-119.
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    A criterion for coarse iterability.Gunter Fuchs, Itay Neeman & Ralf Schindler - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (4):447-467.
    The main result of this paper is the following theorem: Let M be a premouse with a top extender, F. Suppose that (a) M is linearly coarsely iterable via hitting F and its images, and (b) if M * is a linear iterate of M as in (a), then M * is coarsely iterable with respect to iteration trees which do not use the top extender of M * and its images. Then M is coarsely iterable.
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  31. M. Gitik Blowing up power of a singular cardinalYwider gaps 1 D. Pitteloud Algebraic properties of rings of generalized power series 39.I. Neeman, D. M. Evans, M. Menni, R. D. Schindler, K. Ho & F. Stephan - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 116 (1):3-15.
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    Object Interpolation in Three Dimensions.Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan & Thomas F. Shipley - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):586-609.
  33. New books. [REVIEW]Patrick Gardiner, C. C. W. Taylor, Leslie M. S. Griffiths, C. J. F. Williams, Richard Campbell, Brian Barry & J. C. Gosling - 1968 - Mind 77 (308):602-620.
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    Review. [REVIEW]F. Patrick Hubbard & D. N. Haynes - 1983 - Law and Philosophy 2 (2):247-256.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Patrick McNally, T. J. Blakeley & F. J. Adelmann - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (3):89-91.
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    Interpolation processes in object perception: Reply to Anderson (2007).Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan, Thomas F. Shipley & Brian P. Keane - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):488-502.
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    Books briefly noted.Pauline Hyde, Patrick Riordan, Gayle Kenny, Alan P. F. Sell, Maire O'Neill, Feargal Murphy & Patrick Gorevan - 1996 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 4 (2):360 – 367.
    Contemplating Suicide: The Language and Ethnics of Self Harm By Gavin J. Fairbairn Routledge, 1995. Pp. xxx. ISBN 415?10606. £12.95(pbk). Religious Transformation in Western Society. The End of Happiness By Harvie Ferguson, Routledge, 1992. Pp. xvi + 269. ISBN 0?415?02574?5. £XX.xx. Feminism and the Self: The Web of Identity By Morwenna Griffiths Routledge, 1995. Pp. 191. ISBN 0?415?09821?1. £12.99 (pbk). Faith, Scepticism and Personal Identity. A Festschrift for Terence Penelhum Edited by J.J. Macintosh and H. A. Meynell University of Calgary (...)
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    Si Madelene Sta. Maria at ang Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Pakikipanayam sa isa sa mga Kauna-unahang Iskolar na Bumatikos sa Nasabing Intelektuwal na Kilusan.F. P. A. Demeterio Iii, Leslie Anne Liwanag & Patrick James Ruiz - 2017 - Kritike 11 (1):48-69.
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    Human Males Appear More Prepared Than Females to Resolve Conflicts with Same-Sex Peers.Joyce F. Benenson, Melissa N. Kuhn, Patrick J. Ryan, Anthony J. Ferranti, Rose Blondin, Michael Shea, Chalice Charpentier, Melissa Emery Thompson & Richard W. Wrangham - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):251-268.
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    Postscript: Identity and constraints in models of object formation.Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan, Thomas F. Shipley & Brian P. Keane - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):502-508.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Theodore Brameld, Midori Matsuyama, Harvey Neufeldt, Lois M. R. Louden, Margaret Gillett, Don Adams, Theodore Hutchcroft, William T. Lowe, Rodney P. Riegle, Timothy J. Bergen Jr, Charles R. Schindler, Gerald L. Gutek, William E. Eaton, Gertrude Langsam, John F. Murphy, Paul D. Travers, Charles M. Dye, Natalie A. Naylor & Richard Edward Kelly - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (4):395-437.
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    Theory (In-)Equivalence and conventionalism in f(R) gravity.Patrick M. Duerr - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):10-29.
  43. Strawson, Moral Responsibility, and the "Order of Explanation": An Intervention.Patrick Todd - 2016 - Ethics 127 (1):208-240.
    P.F. Strawson’s (1962) “Freedom and Resentment” has provoked a wide range of responses, both positive and negative, and an equally wide range of interpretations. In particular, beginning with Gary Watson, some have seen Strawson as suggesting a point about the “order of explanation” concerning moral responsibility: it is not that it is appropriate to hold agents responsible because they are morally responsible, rather, it is ... well, something else. Such claims are often developed in different ways, but one thing remains (...)
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  44. Future development of scientific structures closer to experiments: Response to F.A. Muller.Patrick Suppes - 2011 - Synthese 183 (1):115-126.
    First of all, I agree with much of what F.A. Muller says in his article ‘Reflections on the revolution in Stanford’. And where I differ, the difference is on the decision of what direction of further development represents the best choice for the philosophy of science. I list my remarks as a sequence of topics.
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    Heidegger, Education, and Modernity.Michael A. Peters, Valerie Allen, Ares D. Axiotis, Michael Bonnett, David E. Cooper, Patrick Fitzsimons, Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, Padraig Hogan, F. Ruth Irwin, Bert Lambeir, Paul Smeyers, Paul Standish & Iain Thomson - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Martin Heidegger is, perhaps, the most controversial philosopher of the twentieth-century. Little has been written on him or about his work and its significance for educational thought. This unique collection by a group of international scholars reexamines Heidegger's work and its legacy for educational thought.
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  46. Andrew F. Smith, A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism. Reviewed by.Patrick Clipsham - 2016 - Philosophy in Review 36 (4):179-181.
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    Mark F. Johnson.Patrick Lee - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (248).
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    Freedom from Reality: The Diabolical Character of Modern Liberty. By D. C.Schindler. Pp. ix, 486, Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, $55.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):167-167.
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    Ordering Love: Liberal Societies and the Memory of God. By David L. Schindler. Pp. xiv, 455, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2011, £32.99/$50.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (3):524-525.
  50. Comment on Føllesdal's “The Emergence of Justification in Ethics”.Patrick Suppes - 2008 - In W. K. Essler & M. Frauchiger, Representation, Evidence, and Justification: Themes From Suppes. Frankfort, Germany: Ontos Verlag. pp. 2--67.
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